Saturday 13 May 2017

63 year old wman delivers first child in Jos

 63-year-old Mrs Margaret Davou of Zawan in Jos South local government area of Plateau State who endured childlessness for the 38 years of her marriage is celebrating the arrival of a baby girl last Monday.

The couple’s prayers were answered through a successful assisted reproduction technology popularly known as IVF treatment given to the woman by a team of doctors at GynaeVille Specialist Hospital, Jos where she delivered her baby through a Cesarean section.
 Narrating her ordeal in the 38 years of childlessness, Mrs. Margaret Davou attributed the peace in her home to the support she got from her husband, prayers as well as favour from God. According to her,
“I have been married for 38 years without a child but at 63 years, having looked for this baby for many years, God decided to answer my prayer, I am very happy having her. I give all glory to God because He is the one who did it. She told Vanguard 
“My husband and I have been praying, trusting God, and I have gone through many types of operations, all in the quest to get pregnant and at last, I thank God that He did not disappoint us, God helped my husband and I because we did not stop trusting Him”.
 Advising families who are going through such travail, she said,
“It is a pity that some families get into a lot of problems because of childlessness but I appeal to husbands to be patient. I thank God for my husband because he has the fear of God. Throughout the period of waiting, he did not threaten me, he did not give me ultimatum, and he was not talking about another wife but was always supporting me. “He was praying with me, believing God and because we were always staying at his various stations, there was no much pressure from extended family. I want to advice people going through the challenge to give their lives to Jesus, trust and serve God, depend on prayer and medical treatment. I am not talking about native doctors or prayer houses because throughout the years, I did not visit those places, only hospitals, my trust in God and prayer worked. “Families and friends of such women should support them in prayer not adding burden or stress to them. If you give your life to Christ with your spouse, you will pray together and God will answer you. Doctors did theirs but all glory goes to God.”

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