Wednesday 16 August 2017

Jesse William's wife claims Grey's Anatomy star has poor parenting skills, suffers violent rages maintains a 'revolving door of women'

Estranged wife of Grey's Anatomy star, Jesse Williams, have slammed his parenting skills, claiming the star suffers violent rages and worries he exposes their two children to a 'revolving door' of women. This was made known in explosive court documents.

Williams, 36, who was divorced by estranged wife Aryn Drake-Lee, 34, in April, has been embroiled in a nasty custody battle over their children, Sadie, three and Maceo, one ever since.

In the latest court filing, obtained by, Drake-Lee claims the actor's multiple girlfriends and fits of rage are affecting the emotional well-being of their offspring.

Drake-Lee gave a list of reasosn she should be given sole custody of their children following the end of their 14-year relationship.

According to her, Williams moved out of the family home on March 24 and told her he was staying with 'friends' for around a week, moved into an Air bnb for a month before finding a rental property.

She claims Williams has since enjoyed a wild love life which she believes is affecting their children, stating in the court papers: 'Another factor in their stability is to prevent the children from seeing a revolving door of intimate partners. Jesse has shared his time with the children with intimate partner(s).

'I am concerned about what Jesse defines as "business" or "work", what is real, speculation, or lies.

'Jesse had provided me little, if anything, upon which to establish trust in his representations.'
Drake-Lee revealed Williams also missed hsi daughter Sadie's preschool graduation because he said he had to 'work' by going to a celebrity soccer game in Miami.

He also missed two Father's Day celebrations at Sadie's school, for which Drake-Lee had to attend as a substitute, the documents allege.

She claimed that when Williams did see his children he took them to pool parties at friends' houses and to a rented beach house for his birthday party, making them miss their nap time and 'distrupting' their schedule.

Drake-Lee adds that all this is affecting the children and states they are showing 'signs of regression' since the split, that 'may or may not be exacerbated by the changes they are experiencing in their routine.'

She says that Williams' proposals have not 'recognized and prioritized' the children's schedule over his own celebrity life.

In previously filed court documents Williams set out to prove he was a doting dad by listing his kid's nicknames and favorite foods and included, according to Drake-Lee, 'ten full page, color photos of our children'.

She also says the star now regularly posts photos of their children on social media - something he rarely did during their marriage.

'Jesse, a story teller by profession, appears to be trying to create some sort of fairytale parenting scenario that does not tell the complete story, the real story of parenting.'

Another complaint Drake-Lee has is her ex-husband's alleged violent temper.

She even cited a reported road rage incident that she says happened on July 18.

Drake-Lee claims that Williams had an argument with their neighbor, who then flipped him off.

After that, she says Williams allegedly 'aggressively pursued him (the neighbor) in this car,' with their two children inside.

And, Drake-Lee even claims that Williams reportedly threatened to kill the neighbor.

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