Tuesday 15 August 2017

Police Arrest Man Who Molested His Adopted Sister On A Train

An 18-year-old has been arrested for molesting his adopted sister while on a train in China.
Nanjing police detained the teenager on Monday after he was photographed molesting a girl in public, angering millions of Chinese on the internet.

Pictures of the man with his hands inside the girl’s dress and on her breast in a crowded waiting room at Nanjing South Railway Station were uploaded online, getting many enraged.

According to the woman who took the pictures, surnamed Chen, the man’s parents were sitting next to him, and other relatives were also nearby.

“First I heard the girl sitting opposite to me giggling on the man’s lap and I thought he was tickling her,” said Chen. “I was astonished when I noticed that his hands were not on her waist but on her breast.
“During the whole process, the girl just played with a cell phone and didn’t struggle at all. The man’s father finally noticed that people around were watching them and asked his son to stand up and leave the place.”

Chen, a college student  said she was unable to report to the police immediately as the man's family outnumbered her. She continued saying other people on the train also took photos but no one did anything to stop the man who had his hand on her breast 5

Chen however sent the photos to Chen Lan, a writer and NGO worker who has worked for years to protect abused children. The writer posted the pictures online and asked the police to help the girl.

According to Mo Jing, an officer with the Nanjing railway public security department, the police took immediate action after receiving the report, and officers were sent to the man’s hometown to investigate.

“We have sent policewomen to talk to the girl to make her feel not too nervous,” Mo said. “The results of the investigation will be released to the public on the internet as soon as possible.”

She said to protect the privacy of the girl, who is under 14, the details of the case cannot be revealed currently.

According to Modern Express, the detained man is from Henan province and is a college student in Nanjing.

The Sun

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