Thursday 8 June 2017

Controversial Snake pastor cries out- ‘TB Joshua forced me to confess on Live TV,they seized my passport’'–

Penuel Mnguni,c Controversial South African pastor renowned for asking his congregation to do bizarre things like swallow live snakes and drink petrol ,was in Nigeria to visit Prophet T.B Joshua.

During his visit to seek deliverance ,the pastor who has since traveled back to South Africa said he was tricked and forced to confess on live TV.

During his confession,Penuel said

“Pastor TB Joshua and I came to realise that what I was doing was not scriptural.” 
 But now, he said
“I never knew that I was going to be forced to speak in front of people,” he said.
Those people took my ID and passport and would not give them back until I did what they wanted me to do. I went there on an invite and I only wanted to take part in worshipping, not deliverance,“It was as if everything was planned before I even got there. If you listen to the video I am not the one saying those words. There is a woman next to me who is forcefully telling me what to say.” He said he felt as if his rights were being violated. “But I stood there hopelessly because I feared a lot of things.”
 However Kirsten Nematandani from the TB Joshua Ministries dismissed his claims.
 “He just wants to continue to be controversial. You must understand going to Nigeria is not a quick decision. He had to get a visa, get on a plane and get accommodation. He was never forced to do anything,” he said. “The pictures at the church? Who brought them? He brought them himself because he wanted to. He is an adult and he can’t be forced to do anything. The problem is he just likes to cause a scene.”

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