Thursday 15 June 2017

I Have Had My Fair Share Of Trials - Tboss

BBNAIJA contestant, Tboss, is not only crushing on herself but also sharing a bit more about her life.

She took to IG to share a stunning new photo of herself with a new message for all her fans and non-fans alike.

Her words:

My WCW today is Myself. And unapologetically so. Today I celebrate myself, the amazing person that I am. Yeah yeah yeah some may say, look at her she's not even humble! Go on, give it your best shot, but I have had my fair share of trials and tribulations, pain that very few people can comprehend & yes I have triumphed! And this makes me so proud of myself. I am so happy and privileged to be Me. I am not perfect not even close but I know Every decision taken,every mistake made & every act of kindness has brought me here & I am contend in the realization that I am on the right path to fulfilling my purpose.

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