Tuesday 27 June 2017

When you realize all the praise and testimony is about a single-Daddy Freeze takes another swipe at the Hallelujah challenge

Media personality Daddy Freeze has taken another swipe at the popular Hallelujah challenge organised by gospel musican Nathaniel Bassey.
He wrote alongside the image above

We can't very well throw stones at every dog that barks, can we?
My message continues despite their mindless barking.
In this country, we were taught as kids, not to question our elders, we were raised to obey without complaining, we were instructed not to touch the anointed, how far has this mentality taken us?
According to a survey the average Nigerian IQ is 67. Do you know that in many developed countries, any IQ less than 70 is considered a 'disability'. In some countries, this 'handicap' makes people eligible for government benefits?
If this survey were true, then there is a high likelihood that these 'disabled' people are roaming the streets, the timelines on social media and the comment section on blogs.
Do you know that 'a general lack of curiosity' is one of the signs of a low intelligence quotient? Can you see how this 'lack of curiosity' is manifested each time I raise a valid question, especially when it comes to Christianity?
Whales, primates and many other mammals have been known to exhibit 'curiosity' so why is our own cognitive handicap so overwhelming?
Someone claimed he was looking for a passport inside his own house and he found it, now that's a testimony. The passport was right there looking at him all along, yet his carelessness became a matter of national importance.
If these were the kinds of testimonies Jesus had, do you honestly believe Christianity will still be alive 2000 years later?
A vast majority of Jesus miracles were 'verified'. Lazarus was dead for 4 days and was already decaying and smelling, before Jesus raised him, while blind Bartimaeus was a popular blind man that many were familiar with, so please let's not turn Jesus into a fridge repairer, because of our hunger for 'testimonies'.

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