Friday 18 August 2017

This Is Why My Husband Sold Our First Son - Woman Reveals Bitter Details

Mother of a missing two-year-old boy, Esther Moses, 24, has revealed how her husband sold their son.

Read her interview with New Telegraph below:

How did you meet your husband?
I was returning from a visit to my aunt’s place when I met Abraham in a taxi. He gave me his phone number.
A week later, he called and asked where I live; he asked me to meet him.

He waited for me at Mayne Avenue, by Uwanse. When I got there, he took me to his former compound, No. 8, Amika Utuk lane. It was there he impregnated me. I stayed with him until I had Elisha. I had him on July 4, 2015.

Are you aware he was married before you got pregnant for him?
I didn’t know. After I had Elisha, his wife, who is based in Uyo, came to the house. She quarreled with him. She asked him if he was not ashamed of impregnating a girl old enough to be his daughter.

Can you describe his character?
He drinks a lot; whenever he returns home, he picks quarrel with me. He would beat me. Sometimes, he uses machete to beat me. Last year, he chased my mother out of our house with a machete. Since then, my mother had refused to visit.

Did the two of you get married legally?
He has not paid my bride price. My mother always quarreled with me about it and had repeatedly asked me to leave him. She doesn’t like him. I told my mother that I loved the man.

How did you find out he sold Elisha?
On July 24, he told me that he would be travelling. I went to take my bath. Elisha was in the compound. After my bath, I asked for Elisha and a young boy told me he was outside. I ran outside, but couldn’t find him. At that point, I started crying and shouting. .

Why does he hate Elisha?
He always accused me of sleeping with other men. So, when Elisha was born, he said he was not his; he said Elisha didn’t look like him. He said that my second child looked like him,.If I had attempted to take the child to my mother’s place, Abraham would have killed me. In fact, whenever I took Elisha to my mother’s place, he would go there to insult my mother and I. Last year, he came to my mother’s house, beat my mother and collected Elisha

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